Audrey Kitching with 80's style and heart -shaped a la Lolita frames
Iulia Burtea pentru PasBoutique
Even Scarlett Johansson
Not very flattering this one, huh ?
They got so famous that they were turned into emoticons and became visual symbols
photo by Iulia Burtea
I present you with shutter shades ( I swear I had a pair when I was 7 or so, but never wore them, of course), heart shaped and nerdy glasses.
Reversul medaliei : Looking like a nerd is now considered to be hot.
Tocilarii sunt in sfarsit razbunati !
Si desigur, pandantive indie-style cu nerdy specs. How about them ?
A lot more wearable, I'd say.
Reversul medaliei : Looking like a nerd is now considered to be hot.
Tocilarii sunt in sfarsit razbunati !
Si desigur, pandantive indie-style cu nerdy specs. How about them ?
A lot more wearable, I'd say.